We’ve got three big opportunities coming up. Two are new announcements, and one is a reminder.
- NEW: Annual Meeting Call for Papers– The 5th BITSS Annual Meeting will be in Berkeley December 15-16. This is our annual forum to highlight advances in the field of transparency and reproducibility across the social sciences. We’ll hear from our research grantees, journal editors working on transparency, and we also have an open call for papers. The call is open until October 31st. Submit your paper now! You can see the talks from previous meetings here.
- NEW: Pre-Registered Election Research– If you’re thinking about doing some analysis of the US elections, particularly using American National Election Survey (ANES) data, you can pre-register your analysis and potentially win $2,000 as part of the Election Research Preacceptance Competition. The competition is run by friends/supporters of BITSS Skip Lupia and Brendan Nyhan with funding from the Laura and John Arnold Foundation.
- Nominations for Leamer-Rosenthal Prize– You have until September 16 to nominate yourself or someone else for our Leamer-Rosenthal Prizes for Open Social Science. You can win up to $10,000 for doing open, transparent, and reproducible science. More information here.