Leamer-Rosenthal Prizes for Open Social Science
About the Prizes
Transparency is integral to the validity of social science research – especially when this research informs policy and affects the lives of millions around the world. Today, researchers are not explicitly rewarded for disclosing their data collection and analysis methods, registering detailed pre-analysis plans, or making data and other research materials available to the public.
In order to promote transparent research, and to offer recognition and visibility to scholars practicing open social science, the John Templeton Foundation is generously supporting the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS) to launch prizes named for pioneers who helped lay the foundations of research transparency: economist Edward E. Leamer and psychologist Robert Rosenthal.
Watch our interviews with seven of the 2016 L-R Prize recipients in our Video Library here.
Prize Categories
Leaders in Education
These prizes award the work of professors who incorporate instruction in transparent practices into their curricula.
Emerging Researchers
These prizes award early-career researchers – junior faculty, postdoctoral researchers or graduate students – who adopt transparent research practices or pioneer new methods to increase the rigor of research.