BITSS and the Reproducibility Working Group at the Berkeley Institute for Data Science are collaborating on an edited volume of reproducible workflows in the social sciences, and we are looking for submissions. BIDS Fellow Cyrus Dioun wrote about it on the Bad Hessian computational social science blog:
“[M]aking work reproducible can feel daunting. How do you make research reproducible? Where to start? There are few explicit how-to-guides for social scientists.
The Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS) and Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS) hope to address this shortcoming and create a resource on reproducibility for social scientists. Under the auspices of BIDS and BITSS, we are editing a volume of short case studies on reproducible workflows focused specifically on social science research. BIDS is currently in the process of finishing a volume on reproducibility in the natural sciences that is under review at a number of academic presses. These presses have expressed interest in publishing a follow-up volume on reproducibility in the social sciences.
We are inviting you and your colleagues to share your reproducible workflows. We are hoping to collect 20 to 30 case studies covering a range of topics from the social science disciplines and social scientists working in professional schools. Each case study will be short, about 1,500 to 2,000 words plus one diagram that demonstrates the “how” of reproducible research, and follow a standard template of short answer questions to make it easy to contribute a case study. The case study will consist of an introduction (100 -200 words), workflow narrative (500-800 words), “pain points” (200-400 words), key benefits (200-400 words), and tools used (200-400 words). To help facilitate the process we have a template as well as an example of Garret’s case study with accompanying diagram. ( is an easy-to-use online tool to draw your diagram.)”