All the material from our summer institute in transparency practices for empirical research is now accessible on our training page.
This weeklong workshop provides an overview of the latest trends in the shift towards increased transparency, combining presentations on conceptual issues in current research practices with hands-on training on emerging tools and approaches to further openness and integrity.
The course material was developed by a team of BITSS affiliates together with staff from the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA), the Center for Open Science, and the UC Berkeley D-Lab.
A total of 32 graduate students and junior faculty attended the first workshop, held at UC Berkeley from June 2 to 6, 2014.

In the coming months, we plan to revamp the BITSS website to offer a curated list of transparency tools and resources. We will also start designing online training material available to the global research community as well as a manual of best practices in time for next year’s institute.