RT2 Berkeley

Here you will find presentation recordings from RT2 Berkeley in 2017, as well as links to presentation slides below.

Day 1 Presentation Slides

Edward Miguel’s presentation slides can be found here.

Sean Grant’s presentation slides can be found here.

Don Moore’s presentation slides can be found here.

Courtney Soderberg’s presentation slides can be found here.

Eva Vivalt’s presentation slides can be found here.

Day 2 Presentation Slides

Edward Miguel’s presentation slides can be found here.

Danae Roumis’ presentation slides can be found here.

Day 3 Presentation Slides

Sean Grant and Arnaud Vaganay’s presentation slides can be found here (Part I) and here (Part II).

Fiona Burlig’s presentation slides can be found here.

Nick Adams’ presentation slides can be found here.

Chris Holdgraf’s presentation slides can be found here.

Dan Benjamin’s presentation slides can be found here.