Mercyline Kamande BITSS CatalystEconomics

Mercyline W. Kamande holds a PhD in Economics with concentrations in Public Sector Economics and Econometrics. She is a Senior Lecturer in Mount Kenya University, Rwanda. She is also the Founder, Executive Director, and Lead Consultant at Impact Evaluation Research for Development. She has wide experience in impact evaluation research, mainly on public policy issues. She has published in the areas of impact of ICTs in agriculture and clean production technology in the manufacturing sector.

As an impact evaluation researcher, she aspires to build capacity for project personnel through coaching and mentorship to improve the design of government interventions so that they can achieve the intended objectives. Dr. Kamande has come to appreciate the need to involve the organizations who actually do the job in proper project evaluations to allow for project redesign. Using a Learning-by-Doing approach in training research and incorporating coaching and mentorship for research and publication, Dr. Kamande is interested in operationalizing proper data collection and analytical techniques that are the heart of research transparency.
