Dief Reagen Nochi Faha BITSS CatalystEconomics

Dief Reagen Nochi Faha is a PhD candidate at the laboratory of research and analysis in mathematical economics at the University of Yaoundé II, Soa in Cameroon. He obtained his MSc in Applied Economics from the University of Yaoundé II and MSc in Economic and Financial Engineering from the University of Rennes 1 in France). His main research interests are natural resources, capital flight, trade mis-invoicing, institutions and economic of education. He attended the 2016 BITSS Summer Institute, which sparked his interest in becoming a Catalyst. His goals as a Catalyst are to sensitize researchers, especially young researchers such as graduate students, to the appropriate tools and road map to follow in order to practice transparent and reproducible research in Cameroon and Francophone African countries. Understanding these tools down the line will enable good quality work which will be published in peer-reviewed journals.