Daniel Umpierre BITSS CatalystEpidemiology

Daniel is an Assistant Professor of Public Health at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), in Porto Alegre, Brazil. He was trained in Kinesiology (exercise sciences), obtained MSc (2007) and PhD degrees (2012) in Health Sciences (Cardiovascular Sciences). He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the National Institute of Science and Technology for Health Technology Assessment (IATS, CNPq/Brazil).
Daniel has focused his discipline-based research on the assessment of physical activity interventions in at-risk or ill individuals, particularly through clinical trials and systematic reviews/meta-analyses. In the meta-research domain, his interests include methodological and dissemination practices in health sciences. In this regard, Daniel and his group launched the SEES Initiative (Strengthening the Evidence in Exercise Sciences), which is a fully open and collaborative project by which prospective, systematic assessments of methodological and reporting practices are carried out on a monthly basis.