BITSS Communications Internship, Summer 2022


The Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) is hiring a motivated Communications Intern for a part-time position (10-20 hours/week) to support the work of CEGA’s Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS) during Summer 2022. This is a paid position.

CEGA is a West Coast hub for research on global development, with a network of 100+ academic researchers extending across the University of California, Stanford University, and the University of Washington. Our faculty affiliates design and test solutions for the problems of poverty, generating actionable evidence for policymakers in low- and middle-income developed countries. Using rigorous field trials, behavioral experiments, and tools from data science, we measure and maximize the impacts of economic development programs throughout the world.

Established by CEGA in 2012, BITSS works to strengthen the integrity of social science research and evidence used for policymaking. The initiative aims to enhance the practices of economists, psychologists, political scientists, and other social scientists in ways that promote the transparency, reproducibility, openness, and ethics of research.

The intern will work with BITSS staff to develop multimedia content, disseminate through our communications channels (social media, our newsletter, and website), and monitor press coverage. Experience communicating and connecting with a variety of actors—from social media outlets to non-profits, to researchers is desirable, but not required. Strong design skills are a big plus.

CEGA is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We especially encourage applications from students from underrepresented groups.

Closing Date

Until filled.


The internship is open to both undergraduate and graduate students during the Summer 2022 semester with a possibility of extension over the Fall. The position will start as soon as possible and will last for 4 months (equivalent to one semester).


  • Create and share a variety of creative and relevant content for Twitter on accounts managed by BITSS, including @UCBITSS and @SocSciPrediction (Social Science Prediction Platform)
  • Support the curation and lead the production of BITSS newsletters and blog posts
  • Produce multimedia content (e.g. posters, infographics, videos, etc.) within style and brand specifications for the BITSS Twitter accounts, newsletter, and website
  • Research and identify relevant contacts, outlets, and opportunities to place BITSS-supported research and training outputs
  • Track web analytics and report metrics to better understand our user groups and audiences, and target content accordingly.
  • Support BITSS program management and implementation by compiling and analyzing data on key program indicators.

Required Qualifications

  • Relevant communications experience and an interest in evidence-based policymaking. Strong writing skills with precise, clear, and vibrant language are a must.
  • An eye for design and style, both on the web and in print.
  • Ability to demonstrate professionalism and discretion, and exhibit good judgment when sharing news and information publicly.
  • Ability to anticipate, plan for, prioritize, and meet deadlines. Capacity to handle multiple projects at once, effectively manage time, and interface confidently with co-workers. Ability to manage a time-sensitive workflow while paying attention to details.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Interest in research transparency and reproducibility
  • Experienced with WordPress and Adobe Creative Suite (In-Design or other design programs)
  • Skilled in Web Design, Digital Marketing, or other relevant fields
  • Junior, Senior, or a Graduate student studying Computer Science, Media, Journalism, Communications or other relevant fields
  • Familiarity with Salesforce or other project management software
  • Flexibility and a positive attitude in approaching challenges and uncertainty.

How to Apply

Send your resume and work samples (e.g., blog post, essay, report, data visualization, design product, etc.) to Aleksandar Bogdanoski at with the subject “Application for BITSS Communications Intern”. Please detail any previous experience with social media campaign management, web design, writing, and other communications.